php error happened

Technical information
Error type256
Error descriptionYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ) ORDER BY pinned desc,activity desc limit 0, 30' at line 3"'
Error fileC:\inetpub\wwwroot\\public_html\forums\connections\Connection.php
Error line668
SQL querySELECT `topic`, `topic` as `topic2`, `startedby`, `startedby` as `startedby2`, `id`, `categoryid`, `views`, `activity`, `pinned`, "" as `color`, `question`, `created`, `solved`, "" as `image`, `migrate_alias`, `locked`, (select COUNT(*) FROM forumreplies AS r WHERE r.topicid = as `forumreplies` FROM `forumtopics` WHERE ( (categoryid=) ) ORDER BY pinned desc,activity desc limit 0, 30

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